Windows Developer Portal

Microsoft Corporation


UX, Prototyping & Visual Design


Inspire the Developer Portal team with a new, modern visual design. Additionally, help improve the user experience and flows of their primary processes—site navigation, signing up to be a Windows app developer, and submitting an app to the Windows Store.


I created high-fidelity visual concepts that demonstrated a beautiful and modern design that was clean and restrained, focused on the professional developer audience. Afterward, I helped the team improve their navigation paradigms and process flows by creating interactive prototypes, which were used and iterated on in several usability studies.


The first version of the Windows Devleoper Portal largely used the design direction I started. More excitingly, parts of the user experience I helped create for managing a developer's Windows Store catalogue received patents for their unique, clear approach.

Visual and interaction concept for analytics

Week-view with patented time indicator

Week-view with patented time indicator